Creativity Counseling for BalanceHello, Creatives! I have been so inspired lately by reading the work of Eric Maisel and today I want to discuss one of the themes from his work about creating holistically. This idea has such a beautiful tie-in to creating well, and wellness in your life. The overall fluidity of the concept is so simple and lovely. Creativity Coaching Embracing DualitiesLet’s start where we left off: with the idea of duality and embracing both sides of dualistic forces. If you remember from a previous Creatively blog we explored common dualistic pairs: polarized thought traps artists can get stuck in (process vs product, idea vs expression, discipline vs flexibility, being vs doing and so many more!) We explored our tendencies to over-invest in one aspect of these pairs and by so doing neglecting the other. By recognizing that each of these pairs had an opposite, we were able to understand that both of them were equally valid and important parts of the creative process and that both may be called upon at any time. Counseling for Creative People to Work HolisticallyWorking holistically is the logical next step from here. To work holistically we are essentially shucking the concept of duality altogether. We are rejecting any type of nomenclature for our work- instead we are being open to the moment, exactly as it is, exactly as we are- asking ourselves simultaneously- “what does my art” and “what do I need in this moment?” To work holistically, we are requiring of ourselves to be present, open, and mindful in our work. Sound familiar? Online Coaching for Creatives to Develop a Holistic PracticeIt takes effort to arrive at a place where we can work holistically. It takes knowing and understanding what our knee-jerk processes might be when we create, including avoidance tendencies, preferences, and motivations. Do we choose the same subject matter or materials out of safety? Do we use the same inspiration out of fear of failure or changes? Working holistically requires us to say we have no preferences and come to our work fresh and able to give it and ourselves whatever is necessary and best. Creativity Coaching and Creativity Counseling for ArtistsThere is important work to be done here. What fears do you have about your creativity? What excuses or avoidance are holding you back? What dualities do you default to? In a recent create well minute cast (#37 if you want to listen) I called you to an exercise- let’s expand upon it: Get yourself a piece of paper and pen. We are going to make some lists: 1) If I were to tell you to go create in this very moment (right now!) why can’t you? Why won’t you? What is preventing you? List everything. Logistics. Money. Tools. Abilities. Everything you feel is in your way from doing something creative right now. Hold nothing back. When you are done, label this list “avoidance/excuses.” (#realtalk!) 2) If I were to tell you to go take your work public (to a show, open mic, gallery, publisher, friend, etc- keep going through opportunities until you find some resistance) why wouldn’t you do this? List all the reasons holding you back. Include internal reasons like feelings, self esteem, value statements about self and work. Take your time to be thorough. When you are done, label this list “fears.” 3) What absolutes and values can you identify about your creative process? For example- “I am process oriented,” or “my work is figurative,” or “I value technique highly,” or “my work is non-commercial,” etc and so on- make a list describing what absolutes and values define your work. This is a tough one so give yourself time to think it through. When you are done, label this list “dualities.” Creativity Coaching and Counseling for Creative People HolisticallyYou have just identified for yourself three major categories of obstacles between you and holistic creating. Good job! Once you know what your obstacles are, you can identify yourself gravitating towards these old patterns and choose a different path. It takes time and repetition to train your brain towards new behaviors, and starts with recognizing old behaviors so you can not choose those. Counseling for Creative People has Holistic BenefitsThe power of working holistically is creating your best work and living your best life, because you are creating and living on life’s terms, not yours (and flexibility is a psychological and creative super power!) It is liberating because you are giving yourself endless options and freedoms. Unsurprisingly it starts with knowing that creative brain, your personal creative self, and a healthy dose of mindfulness. You can build holistic practices into your life today by taking one of these steps: 1) Book a Free Consultation. All new clients to Creatively, LLC are entitled to a 15 min, free consultation to sit with me and discuss your needs, services available, and we can problem solve and hand-pick best next steps to help you succeed. 2) Book a Coaching Package. Are you a working Creative in need of specific support? I offer a range of Coaching Packages- let's get started with one that is right for you. (C) 2022 Creatively, LLC More Articles for Creative People Like ThisTherapy Skills for Creatives: AnxietyA key part of Creativity Counseling is helping you roll with your powerful feelings, not struggle against them. Along with these strong feelings is a powerful energy stream, and often for Creative People, this can be experienced as anxiety, anticipation, or otherwise angst. You may regularly find yourself having difficulty relaxing, making choices, settling into your creative work, starting projects and staying focused because of this high vibration energy. Mother Nature has given it to you to support your creativity, and, in fact it will while you are working, but it can also take up so much of your executive functioning so as to cause difficulty. Step One: AwarenessIn a similar vein to mindfulness, the first thing you need as a Creative Person, is to understand that you have a unique creative personality, and what that means for you. Creative People experience emotions on an expanded scale, so it is important to understand that, and reasonable to apply that to yourself in this situation. What is your individual experience of emotions? How do you experience anxiety, anticipation, or high energy emotions like this? Step Two: ObserveOnce you have thought about and tried to understand your experience of anxiety, spend some time trying to recognize when it happens throughout the day. When are some of your common anxiety pitfalls or higher energy periods that become obstacles? Do you regularly wake up in the morning with an overflow of adrenaline? Do you wake throughout the night this way? How about when making choices? Make some observations when it happens, and how it feels, so that as it occurs, you recognize it is happening. Step Three: What are your Feelings Telling you?Emotions are chemical signals from the body to the brain. For Creative People, they are powerful signals. We don’t want to ignore them. Once you are aware of them happening, your next step is to understand the message, knowing that only sometimes the message will be useful. Waking up in the middle of the night, with anxiety about everything you need to do tomorrow, is not useful. The anxiety is “trying” to help you prevent catastrophe, but isn’t helping, really. It is just sleep depriving you. Anticipatory anxiety before you sit down to work is showing up to help you have energy to work. Sometimes it overwhelms you and “freezes” you to the point you feel you can’t begin, but if you recognize the purpose is to “fuel” you, you may be able to use the energy to push through and get started. This process of discovery can be complicated, difficult, and is time well spent in Creativity Counseling. Step Four: When you Don’t Need the Anxious EnergyIf you have done steps one through three, and have evaluated when anxious or high-level energy is not serving you, or also not dissipating, this is when you move on to step four. This step assumes you are doing background care for yourself and your creativity for overall wellness and stability. Need help and clarification on background care? I am here for that, too. Step four is the implementation of on-the-spot techniques to soothe yourself, recognizing your feelings, and allowing them to release without fighting them. This sounds a lot like mindfulness, and I am a big believer in those methods. However, what I have come to realize, is there is some tweaking needed for your Creative Brain. Mindfulness for Creative PeopleOver the years I have taught and used Mindfulness Techniques, I have found some difficulties both for myself and my creative clients. The techniques seem to work sometimes, but not all the time. They are a good beginning, but depending on the intensity of the situation, can fall short. What has become clear to me is, once again, that this is due to the unique expanded emotional capacity of your Creative Mind. As Creative People, you experience emotions very powerfully, so much so, that techniques, like mindfulness, functional for a typical emotional presentation, may fall short for you. I have found that using the same ideas and incorporating your creativity is the key to success in managing your emotional load. Powerful Feelings in Creative PeopleBasic principles of Mindfulness tell us to recognize our feelings to examine our needs, and meet them if necessary. Mindfulness also requires us to stay present with our feelings as they ebb and flow like a wave, and release us from their grip. I believe the success to this for Creative People lies in also incorporating a Creative Intervention that allows you to stay present mindfully, while engaging your creative muscles. I have designed one such intervention that is simple, yet impactful, for you to try. Creatively Mindful InterventionWhen you have completed steps 1-3 above, and notice yourself in step 4, try this intervention, a combination of Mindfulness Techniques, and an engagement of your creativity:
Therapy for Creative People Makes a DifferenceBy engaging your Creativity and using tried and true methods like Mindfulness, you will begin to experience the relief and ease in your life you have been searching for. Creative People are powerful, and understanding and knowing how your mind works, is crucial to giving it the care that you need. Start Creativity Counseling or Creativity Coaching today: 1) Book a Free Consultation. All new clients to Creatively, LLC are entitled to a 15 min, free consultation to sit with me and discuss your needs, services available, and we can problem solve and hand-pick best next steps to help you succeed. 2) Book a Coaching Package. Are you a working Creative in need of specific support? I offer a range of Coaching Packages- let's get started with one that is right for you. Read More for Creative People Like ThisWhat is your Creative Direction?It is in your soul as a creative person to make meaning in your life. You could go along with the normative milieu, status quo, and live a low maintenance life- but I’m going to bet that this is not you. Most creative people feel a deep drive to life authentically, meaningfully and purposefully. It is when they are living in this way they are truly happy and feel they are truly living. If you know this about yourself, Creative, this naturally begs the question, how will you make your meaning? What will be your purpose? What does your soul need this to be? Like the North Star of your creative soul, you need a purpose to be your creative direction, to guide the decisions you make in your life. One way to do this is to take the time to author your own creative life purpose statement. Writing a Creative Life Purpose StatementA creativity coach whose philosophy I greatly admire, Eric Maisel, in his book “Coaching the Artist Within,” (a read I also highly recommend), describes a process for generating a life purpose statement, which he states generally has six main elements: “- making use of your innate talents and abilities, your heart, mind and hands
Why Write a Creative Life Purpose Statement?In his book, Eric Maisel goes on to recommend creating a statement that incorporates these components into a single statement that will guide the decision making processes of your life. This is not easy and will take a lot of brain power to accomplish. You will need to write down your statement and likely revisit it often over a period of time to finalize it. When I wrote mine, I looked at it again a month after I had written my original statement, only to realize, the second component of what I thought was how I wanted to pilot the purpose in my life, was what I had defaulted to but not what to me was truly meaningful. This is in fact the reason you want to do this work. Writing a Creative Life Purpose Statement MindfullyYour statement may not include all six of these components but focus more deeply on a select few. Take the time to closely check in with your emotional needs and desires for your life as you think about your life purpose. What has brought you happiness? What has drained you of energy vs built you up? Are you feeling resistance towards any aspects of your desired life purpose (e.g. I “should” or “shouldn’t” include certain things?) This is all part of your process. Commit to your Creative Life Purpose StatementWhen you have finished your statement, you need to take the time to memorize it. To put it in a place of full recall, that you can spout off to anyone who asks you, at any time, anywhere. You want to be able to bring it to the front of your mind on demand when making any decision, big or small. After all, this is going to serve as your guiding light, keeping your life on course, pointed in the direction of your choosing. So go ahead, Creative, as I so often joke in the Creatively offices- stitch yours on a pillow. Creativity Counseling and Creativity Coaching for Help with your Creative Life Purpose StatementCreativity Coaching and Creativity Counseling are a great place to start if you are unsure of your creative priorities. One of the main reasons Creative People begin working with me is with this very question in mind. That is because having clarity here is very powerful! Once you know where you are going, the full powers of your Creative Personality are formidable in getting you there. If you would like to get started, I would love to help:
1) Book a Free Consultation. All new clients to Creatively, LLC are entitled to a 15 min, free consultation to sit with me and discuss your needs, services available, and we can problem solve and hand-pick best next steps to help you succeed. 2) Book a Coaching Package. Are you a working Creative in need of specific support? I offer a range of Coaching Packages- let's get started with one that is right for you. With love and wishing you clarity in finding your North Star, Cindy (c) 2022 Creatively, LLC Originally Written and Inspired by Artists During the COVID-19 PandemicThis is a blog post that was written originally in 2020, shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic officially came to the USA and lockdowns started happening for the first time. We were entering into week four or so of the health crisis in Maryland. Many of us were feeling patience wearing thin, cabin fever growing strong, hairs on our head growing unruly, and overall uncertainty and impatience waxing. I had been meeting with clients virtually from my home office, and for the first time both watching and experiencing the emotional toll from the same stressors as my clients. In that spirit, on the Creatively blog, I composed the 3 main recommendations I was sharing to survive a crisis and support healthy creative minds in the best possible way, during the early stages of the pandemic. Priorities when Managing a CrisisMy goal is always to support you in your own effort to manage a crisis with your existing support network in place (need a support network? Scrap this article and start there. Not sure where to start? Feel yourself approaching crisis? For a mental health emergency you can STILL CALL 911. Urgent, not emergent? A list of operating mental health urgent resources can be found here under "urgent resources".) Three Steps for Creative Minds to Manage a CrisisThese three steps are specifically designed for Creative Minds, to help stabilize yourself during a crisis. They will not "fix" the crisis, nor are they for urgent or emergent problems (see "priorities" above). They are meant to help you roll with the powerful emotions that are a part of your creative brain, make meaning from what has suddenly interrupted your personal storyline, and readjust your expectations during a difficult time. Let's go a little more in depth to each one of these: Step One: Integrate Strong EmotionsRemember, a creative mind is a passionate mind. It is natural for you to have strong emotions. That means you are likely to be having strong emotional reactions to strong emotional events. That is ok! Mindfulness says the most emotional pain we experience is out of the resistance of an emotional experience rather than the emotional experience itself. In other words, give yourself permission to experience your powerful emotions. Build support around yourself and talk through and express how you are feeling. Those that are emotionally doing the best in this crisis are those that are not resisting the experience. That is not to say they like or are in agreement with things, but it is to say they understand their current variables and have adapted and are integrated to working within them. It is the frequently used sailing analogy within mindfulness- know what forces you cannot change, and by accepting them as such, you now have the freedom to utilize them to get where you want to go and operate within them. This crisis is happening. Integrate. Feel. Support your feelings. Now what are your choices? Step Two: Make Meaning with Daily Creative PracticeYour creative brain craves meaning making. In fact, one of the most important ways you will feel grounded and stay emotionally well in your life is through finding meaning in your experiences. The reverse is also true- creative people commonly fall into emotional difficulty when they struggle to find meaning in experiences. By knowing this, you can harness its power into creating positive forces in your life. For this reason, the world often looks to artists for meaning in experiences throughout history. What is happening in the world right now is historical. How will you satisfy your creative need to make meaning? Spend energy here and watch yourself transform your own experience. Oh- and by the way- if you know me or have read or followed enough of what I have said on Creatively, you know by now my other rule about your creative practice- do it EVERY day! Commit to your daily creative practice every day as your search and investment in making meaning from these experiences. Step Three: Expect Much Less While Doing Much MoreI can’t tell you how many sessions in the past few weeks have started something like this, “I feel like I should be [creatively] doing so much more...” Let me try to put your mind at ease: You are in a crisis. Coping with living through it is doing plenty. Your brain is doing lots of things that just doesn’t produce as much right now. You have to allow for this. This is the rule of crisis. Allow yourself to expect less of yourself. Understand that though it may not always feel like it (though it certainly may!) you are doing so much more, it just is likely to produce much less. That is ok. It is expected. It is not forever. You are basically running uphill. More effort and energy is required than on a flat surface and it feels way less productive and way harder. But- a downhill follows- and your body gains strength from the uphill battle. So- keep pushing- and tell yourself you are doing well! I see you over there- hanging in there, struggling, not giving up, day after day. Every Day is its Own DaySo these are the 3 steps, Creative! Follow, rinse, repeat. Keep your wheels on the ground. Get through one day, go to bed, then get through the next one. I was recently re-inspired by a Caroline Casey quote, “You must hunger and be fully outside of something to truly know it.” Your return to former normal will be so wonderful and you will know it like you never did before. Look forward the most, to that. Creativity Counseling During a CrisisCreatives, if you are struggling, I understand, and I am here for you. I am offering a variety of services to try to support as many needs as one creativity counselor can- so don’t hesitate to reach out and we can talk. Here are three ways we can connect, right now:
1) Join my Artists in Residency Program. This is a Free, Online Community of Artists where you can build support, accountability and a network of Creative People as a stepping stone towards reconnecting and committing to your authentic, creative self. 2) Book a Free Consultation. All new clients to Creatively, LLC are entitled to a 15 min, free consultation to sit with me and discuss your needs, services available, and we can problem solve and hand-pick best next steps to help you succeed. 3) Book a Coaching Package. Are you a working Creative in need of specific support? I offer a range of Coaching Packages- let's get started with one that is right for you. Gaslighting and your Fear of SuccessArtists- this is a loaded subject that could use so many blog posts- and maybe I will write many more. But let’s dive in. I have much to say. What is Gaslighting?In the simplest terms, gaslighting is when your narrative is stolen by another voice. It is when you begin to question your own reality, based upon the willful (usually) manipulation by someone else. You feel convicted and clarity turn to doubts and confusion, because of feedback from external sources. How to Recognize GaslightingThere are classic phrases that you can use to recognize gaslighting, such as “why do you always” and “you are so emotional,” and “can’t you just,” but the theme here is your reality is cast into doubt by blame, accusation or otherwise discrediting you. Oftentimes we hear about gaslighting in relationships. Gaslighting also exists in groups- communities, families or even societal groups question or weaken each other’s points of view in order to elevate their own. Gaslighting is never ok. Gaslighting in the Arts CommunitySometimes gaslighting comes from insecurity and the insidious need to elevate oneself. Other times, gaslighting comes from cultural, familial or societal misunderstandings that become handed down that serve one body of people over another in some way. I believe both exist in the arts community, but the second more than the first is what I have seen most often. There is a lack of information and some broken systems that persist and we continue to believe in. While gaslighting does infer that the perpetrating party is aware of the misinformation and manipulation, even if they are not, the impact to you as the artist, is the same. So for the sake of the next illustrations, we may believe that the parties precipitating the gaslighting behaviors may know better (true gaslighting), or may not (inadvertent or accidental). Gaslighting and your Creative Personality |