My Values in Therapy and Coaching
Therapy and Creativity Coaching are unique. I believe in the power of knowing yourself as a Creative Person to create meaningful and lasting change. I want you to feel empowered by your creativity, and have a full toolbox to nurture yourself with. Above all, I believe in the power of Creative People, and am passionate about helping you find happiness. I support your uniqueness and authenticity, and I strongly believe in equality, diversity and inclusion. I stand as an ally and hold safe space for all genders, cultures, religions, races and orientations.
Why I became a Creative TherapistI grew up with many rules and expectations that smothered my authenticity and left me feeling profoundly unhappy. Blind to my own creative personality, I sought support from the mental health system, which ultimately also failed me. I was never seen for the creative person I was! Later, in Graduate School, I wrote a thesis on the relationship between mental health and creativity. I was awakened through research to commonalities creative personalities shared: their strength, power, need to make meaning and live authentically. I also found the more creative people were, the more they needed to create to be well. These became foundational to my work!
The Creative Vitality Theory
I have built my practice at Creatively, LLC, upon a basic, 3 part philosophy for helping people with creative, smart and artistic brains. Everything I do with my clients is centered upon this philosophy that I have researched, developed, tested, practiced myself, and watched those I work with implement and flourish. The fundamentals of this philosophy are 2 important things: 1, that creative personalities are distinct, and have commonalities and should be treated and supported as such, and 2, that creative people need to create in order to stay well. My philosophy for helping is 1, you must know your creative personality thoroughly, 2, you must learn the tools to support it fully, and 3, you must put your natural creative energies to work towards what brings you meaning in your life.
"I have dedicated my career to understanding the psychology of creativity and the needs of creative people so you can reclaim your power and make your dreams come true. I want to help you change your life!"
-Cindy Cisneros, Creativity Coach, VIP Therapist
If you are ready for real, impactful, and lasting change, I would love to help you.