Dualistic Forces and Counseling for Creative PeopleHi, Creatives! This month’s blog post is about a concept introduced to me by Eric Maisel (and if you haven’t read anything by him, I highly recommend!) A concept that I am getting to know and experience more- and the more I do the more I grow clinically, personally and creatively- and so want to take the opportunity to introduce it to you: it is the concept of dualities in Counseling for Creative People. Dualities for Philosophy and Creativity CoachingDualities exist all around us in life. Opposite-end-of-the-spectrum forces that naturally oppose each other and create tension. Philosophers are no strangers to discussing them- Heraclitus’ theory was based on constant change between opposing forces as the source of all movement and natural existence. He said, “All things are in flux; the flux is subject to a unifying measure or rational principle. This principle (logos, the hidden harmony behind all change) bound opposites together in a unified tension, which is like that of a lyre, where a stable harmonious sound emerges from the tension of the opposing forces that arise from the bow bound together by the string.” The important concept for us as creative people and that we use in creativity coaching and creativity counseling is recognizing the value of dualistic forces in our own lives and embracing them fully: that neither part of these pairs of power is more valuable than the other Therapy for Creatives that Understands DualitiesIf you get thinking about it there is no end to the pairs of dualistic forces at work in our world, and really what we are doing is operationalizing concepts so we can talk about them (which is fine- it is what language is for!) But of course, as a creativity counselor, what I am interested in specifically are two categories of forces in your lives- creative dualistic pairs and psychological dualistic pairs. Some of the classic pairs in creativity are process vs product, technique vs idea, flow vs stuck or block etc. In psychology they can be emotional pairs like happiness and sadness, anxiety vs peace. Some even blur the categorical boundaries between psychological and creative pairs such as struggle vs success or perfection vs imperfection. Take a moment to consider what sorts of dualistic pairs have presented themselves in your creative and psychological lives. Dualistic Pairs Used in Therapy for CreativesWhile according to some theories, almost everything exists in tension and balance with its natural opposite, here are some examples of dualistic pairs we use in creative therapy: 1. Exploration and Exploitation: The balance between exploring new ideas and exploiting existing ones. 2. Freedom and Structure: Finding the equilibrium between creative freedom and the necessary structures or guidelines. 3. Inspiration and Discipline: Harnessing both the spontaneous bursts of inspiration and the disciplined effort required to bring ideas to fruition. 4. Emotion and Intellect: Integrating the emotional depth of creativity with the intellectual rigor needed for effective execution. 5. Risk and Safety: Navigating the tension between taking risks to innovate and seeking safety and security in familiar approaches. 6. Originality and Influence: Balancing the desire for originality with the inevitable influence of external sources and predecessors. 7. Solitude and Collaboration: Embracing the solitary moments of introspection alongside the collaborative synergy of working with others. 8. Reflection and Action: Engaging in thoughtful reflection to generate ideas and insights, while also taking decisive action to manifest those ideas. 9. Ambiguity and Clarity: Embracing the ambiguity inherent in creative processes while striving for clarity in communication and expression. 10. Self-Expression and Audience Reception: Balancing the desire for authentic self-expression with considerations of how one's work will be received and interpreted by others. 11. Process and Product: Managing the balance between the creative process itself and the end result or product that emerges from it. 12. Creativity and Technique: Integrating the imaginative aspects of creativity with the technical skills and craftsmanship required for execution. 13. Perfection vs Imperfection: Striking a balance between the pursuit of perfection and embracing the beauty of imperfection and flaws. 14. Expression vs Literalism: Navigating between expressing ideas in abstract or symbolic forms and conveying them in a literal or direct manner. 15. Flow vs Stagnation: Finding the rhythm of creative flow while avoiding stagnation or creative blockages. In coaching and therapy for creatives, I use these pairs often to illustrate the importance of the existence and importance of "and." That is to say- in these pairs, they represent a spectrum of conditions, and neither condition is more important than the other, but both are necessary for the existence of the other. In our creativity, it is important to spend time in each duality, and exploring the tension in between them, in order to grow. Dualistic Forces in Creative TherapyThe concept of dualities is pretty simple: both parts of a dualistic pair are equally important and powerful parts of your life story. In fact- in your life you will constantly experience and oscillate between these forces. To value one over the other is to deny important experiences and parts of self and life. As Heraclitus famously said, “It is in changing we find purpose.” And so, Creatives, it is with this topic today I propose to you recognizing areas of resistance in your life- places where we can learn to live our lives more fully and authentically, the way your creative soul was meant live. This is an important tool both in Creativity Coaching and Counseling for Creative People. Start Creativity Counseling and Creativity Coaching TodayIf you are interested in real, impactful and lasting life change for your creative mind, I would love to help you. Let's connect and launch your life to the next level! Choose a step, right now from my site if you are ready to take action and move forward in your life: 1) Book a Free Consultation. All new clients to Creatively, LLC are entitled to a 15 min, free consultation to sit with me and discuss your needs, services available, and we can problem solve and hand-pick best next steps to help you succeed. 2) Book a Coaching Package. Are you a working Creative in need of specific support? I offer a range of Coaching Packages- let's get started with one that is right for you. More Articles Like This for Creative PeopleCreative Hierarchy of Needs, Psychology of Creativity, Crisis of Meaning, Coaching Creative People, Mental Health and Creativity, Creative People, Creative Personality and Anxiety, Make Time for Art, A Creative Personality Snapshot, Therapy for Creatives: Creating Holistically, Therapy Skills for Creatives: Reducing Anxiety, Your Creative Life Purpose, 3 Steps for Creatives During a Crisis
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February 2025