This week we will continue to explore traits that are common among creative people- these in particular are part of a category that scientist Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi believes exist in a uniquely, diametrically opposed way. What interests me in this research is partially these qualities as innate to the creative personality, but also this paradoxical tension between naturally occurring opposing forces within. The idea of this as unique to the creative personality speaks ultimately to the drive and power I feel when working with creative people. Without further ado, let’s explore the traits (adapted from “Creativity” by Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi):
So, creative, does any of this sound familiar? Most of it? All of it? Let’s talk more about how these qualities exist within you, and how you can harness them to create your best life. (C) 2018 Creatively, LLC The Wellness Series with Cindy Cisneros Artist/Therapist
Biofeedback for Artists An introduction to the science of biofeedback. Use a simple device to pair your body’s rhythms with the calming power of making art. Zen Doodling Try on the simple language of drawing for peace, repetition and control. Try your hand at mandala drawing and feel your stress melt away. Meditating with Art Learn the benefit of making art just for the beauty of it. Make beautiful pieces and experience guided meditation using your work. Getting Unstuck with Mindfulness Disarm expectations by experimenting with different media and modalities of art. Free yourself from artists’ block and get inspired with mindfulness approaches. Experience the power of your creativity! Come recharge in an explorative environment at Root Studio. This workshop is perfect for those feeling stuck, stressed or overwhelmed, looking for a fresh approach or wanting to add creativity to their daily lives. Artist and therapist Cindy Cisneros leads this weekly workshop where participants use a variety of techniques to harness the restorative power of creative practice including biofeedback and meditation for stress reduction, and exploring the grounding and mindful components of the art making process. Learn how to use your body’s natural rhythms to engage your creativity and be well with art! Materials provided, or feel free to bring your preferred supplies! Benefits: ● deepen your creative identity ● enhance personal well being, unplugging from our busy lives ● build self esteem ● self discovery ● learn mindfulness ● use mindfulness for inspiration ● learn to meditate ● decrease anxiety, stress and more To reserve your seat or to learn more, click on the button below! This week marks the beginning of a new category in the Creatively blog: creative exercise prompts to refresh yourself and help you get unstuck. They are random and designed to get your creative juices flowing and start producing work. Creative energy isn’t constant and one of the best ways to reignite is to be productive and prolific.
For this exercise, there are three aspects- you can choose to use one, two or all of them in your work. Make as many pieces as you can exploring the prompt. Aspect one: Make a self portrait using symbols to represent yourself. Include at least four characteristics of yourself in your work. Aspect two: Make your work a painting and limit yourself to making only 100 brushstrokes to complete your piece. Aspect three: Make your work only using your favorite color. You can use different hues, saturation’s, values but all of the same color. Try at the end incorporating a color you usually don’t like. When you are finished, write about the process. This will be a free write: put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and just begin writing. Fill a page with your reflections about the exercise. Alternative: if you are a musician or a writer, edit the exercise in a way similar to this: Aspect one: Write or play a song/poem/piece as a reflective self portrait. Allude to at least four characteristics of yourself in your work. Aspect two: Make your work using only 100 notes/words Aspect three: Make your work using only your favorite music/writing style. You can Explore the style any way you would like within the genre. Try at the end incorporating a style you usually don’t like When you are finished, choose a different creative approach to explore your experience (eg if you are a writer, draw or make music, if you are a musician, write or draw, etc) Despite snow flurries, the Creatively Office is open today, Sunday, 2/4. Come if you can travel safely. If you can’t, give me a call about attending online via telehealth. See you soon!
This week’s post centers on mindfulness, and in that spirit, is parsimonious:
“Sailing through”- an expression depicting something someone has done easily, without resistance. This week’s practice: Put things down. Do less. Say no. Immerse yourself in simply being. If you don’t know how, try a guided meditation. Enjoy moments of intentional peace, silence and mindful absorption. If your life is too full to allow for this, identify some things you can put down for awhile. You may be missing life’s beautiful moments by going too fast and trying too hard. While sailing, you use the powerful forces of wind and water as they exist naturally. You harness them to go where you want to go. You are not fighting the elements. You are taking them as they are and using them to arrive at your destination. “Sailing through:” Mindfully embracing the forces of your life fully to direct yourself to a peaceful and fulfilling future. Harness your power, for you are mighty. (C) 2018 Creatively, LLC |
get more from The Creativity CoursesLiking educational topics and knowing what's hot in creativity? Creatively has online courses, with an interactive creative community, coaching sessions and more in the Creativity Courses. Want these blogposts in a newsletter? Subscribe here, and get a free gift. Cindy Cisnerosis a Creativity Coach, Creative Therapist and Professional Artist in Sykesville, Maryland. She is an expert straddling the realms of arts, creativity research, psychology, therapy, and coaching. She provides Online Creativity Counseling in Maryland and Virginia, and Online Creativity Coaching throughout the USA, Canada and the UK tailored for the discerning, imaginative, artistic, and neurodiverse. The information provided in this blog is from my own clinical experiences and training. It is intended to supplement your clinical care. Never make major life changes before consulting with your treatment team. If you are unsure of your safety or wellbeing, do not hesitate to get help immediately.
February 2025