Did you know many Creative People don’t know that they are Creative? Being Creative is more than what you do, it is who you are!I am on a mission to find these Creative People - the ones who don’t know that they are Creative. They look like high achievers. Gifted People. Upwardly mobile People. They look like Smart People, Talented People. They can also be people who feel isolated. Like they don’t fit in. They often feel like their perspectives are different from their peers, that they are more passionate about things, that their feelings can become overwhelming. They may have been called dreamers, or impractical. Creative People Want Meaning...and More.Some Creative People do Creative things. Others may want to do Creative things. Some may not recognize the things that they do as creative. They all want to do something meaningful. Their souls all demand of them to live their life authentically. They feel suffocated by a society that says “fit in and be mainstream.” They want to do more. Be more. And yet. They have powerful empathy, intuition and compassion. Oftentimes paired with deep-seated sense of responsibility, many highly Creative People made choices for the benefit of others. They neglected their own needs, their own dreams, and their own authenticity. They never really answered the questions, “who am I?” or “what do I really want?” Life has been about survival. Staying Hidden Doesn't HelpSomehow, they haven’t used their main strengths- they don’t know that they have been masking them to make others feel more comfortable. It has held them back and made them unhappy. Undiscovered Creative People, I am looking for you, to help you discover yourself.The time to prioritize yourself, create yourself, and use your true strengths is here. Your passions are your strength. Your passions give your life and the lives of others color and vision. You were made with big feelings, to live large, break molds, and authentically take up your space in the world. You were not born to fit molds, or meet any expectations but your own. You have probably lived your life with people around you that don’t understand you. This has caused you to doubt yourself. Second-guess your strengths. Live inauthentically. Be unhappy. Try to be like everyone else. But this is not who are you are. Creative Potential As a Creative PersonCreative people advance society, bring new ideas, grace us with new dreams, and color life with authenticity of experience. They give voice to humanity with a passion only they bring. When you are a Creative Person living to your Creative Potential, your live meaningfully, actualized and purposefully. Big questions fill in with answers and clarity becomes yours when you dare to authentically interact with your life. Knowing Your Creative GiftsIt is a difficult path, because it is uniquely yours. But, when you boldly take charge of your gifts, you thrive! It starts with knowing what your gifts are. With fully understanding who you are as a creative person, and reclaiming that identity for yourself. Once you fully stand in your strength as a Creative Person, you can begin to nurture yourself, and care for your strengths the right way. This is your path to success and happiness! Begin Counseling and Coaching for Creative People in Maryland, Virginia, and BeyondIf you are interested in real, impactful, and lasting life change for your creative mind, I would love to help you. Let's connect and launch your life to the next level! I have three steps you can take, right now from my site if you are ready to move forward in your life: 1) Book a Free Consultation. All new clients to Creatively, LLC are entitled to a 15 min, free creativity coaching or counseling consultation to sit with me and discuss your needs, services available, and we can problem solve and hand-pick the best next steps to help you succeed. 2) Begin Counseling for the Modern Day Creative Person. Are you a working Creative in need of specific support? I offer a range of Counseling Services so you can select exactly what you need, and nothing that you don't. Creativity Counseling offers 30 min sessions to 60-minute sessions, as well as asynchronous support. 3) Join my Artists in Residency Program. This is a Free, Online Community of Artists where you can build support, accountability, and a network of Creative People as a stepping stone towards reconnecting and committing to your authentic, creative self. Other Articles like, “Creative People Who Don't Know Who They Are"Concierge Counseling for Creative People, Creative People with Headaches and Stomach Aches, Creation Translation, Crisis of Meaning: Creative People Lost, Coaching Creative People, A Creative Personality Snapshot, From One Creative to Another, Finding your Creative Balance, Dream Theory for Creative People, Creative People, Mental Health and Creativity (C) 2022 Creatively, LLC
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September 2024