Dear Artist Drawing in the Margins of your Papers,Dear College Student at your Easel Late at Night in an Empty Studio,Dear Musician Rehearsing the Same Two Measures and Stumbling for the Thousandth Time,Dear High Schooler Feeling Feelings so Big You Might Burst while Trying to Express yourself through Poetry and Feeling Overwhelmed by What Comes out,I see you.I see you.Dear Parents who Struggled for Acceptance as you Fought for Authenticity in the World and now Ache Watching your Children doing the Same,I see you.Dear Writer Staring at a Blinking Cursor as Time Ticks by with a Book in your Heart but no Words in your Mind,Dear Performer Sitting at Another Casting Call Full of Talent Hoping this is Finally the Time you Stand Out,I see you.Dear Painter Scrolling through Hundreds of Accomplished Artists Online while your Canvas Sits Empty or Unfinished Beside You,I see and know your struggles. I know that the world is failing you, overwhelming you and leaving you behind in their efforts to help. I know that your experiences and needs are unique and special. My experiences were like this, too. I felt the loneliness and helplessness that come with Creativity. But- I believed in the importance of my creativity. Just like I believe in the importance of yours. You have the potential to change the future for the better. Your future. The future for all of us. Your creativity is everything you need. I have dedicated my career to understanding this to be true. To understanding your needs as a Creative Person, and the inner workings of your Creative Personality. I have built a philosophy to support you in your life. I know you can experience ease and success in your life with the creative gifts you were born with. Creativity Counseling and Creativity CoachingThe application and work of my philosophy is found in Creativity Counseling and Creativity Coaching. And I developed it just for Creative People. Like you. Creativity CounselingCreativity Counseling is founded upon your natural strengths as a Creative Person. When you understand your strengths, and harness them in healthy and productive ways, you will live a life filled with ease. Your natural creative strengths, when they serve you, are so powerful that as surely as when they are aimless they are destructive, when they are focused in healthy and productive ways, are massively life changing. In Creativity Counseling, you become intimately acquainted with and empowered by your Creative Personality. You learn how powerful emotions, drive towards meaning making and authenticity, and more, are important and stabilizing forces. You learn practical, real-life tools to embrace, not suppress, how you experience the world. You understand that your key to happiness is true authenticity with yourself and the world around you Creativity CoachingCreativity Coaching is the gift creative flow that comes when you embrace your creative identity fully. Does your soul demand that you write? Make music? Paint? Dance? Unlock your true potential by claiming yourself fully as a writer, musician, artist, or dancer. No more “when’s” or “if’s” or other rules- if your soul demands a creative expression- embrace it with a passion! Experience clarity and ease when you give yourself permission to actualize what your creative soul desires of you. This permission is your first step to finding the “North Star” you will use for making daily decisions in your life. Creative flow comes from the purposefulness in knowing where you are going. It allows you to make aligned decisions that serve your greater purpose, and live a life filled with meaning. Creative flow builds from regular creative practice as you continue to making meaning from your life experiences with your art. These are some of the most important aspects of Creativity Coaching! Dear Creative Looking for Help because you are Hurting,Sometimes your hurt and struggle are your heart and soul showing up for what truly matters to you in your life. I believe your creativity truly matters, and is your most important healing and stabilizing force. I have experienced this to be true in my own life, in my research, in my education, and with hundreds of Creative People I have listened to and worked with. I am passionate about the future of the world as only you, Dear Creative, can dream it. I know you feel deeply. I dare you not to stop. It is my passion to help and support you. If you believe I can help, I would love to talk to you about what I can offer. Love,Cindy(c) 2022 Creatively, LLC, Cindy Cisneros, LCPC-S, LPC, Creativity Coach Comments are closed.
get more from The Creativity CoursesLiking educational topics and knowing what's hot in creativity? Creatively has online courses, with an interactive creative community, coaching sessions and more in the Creativity Courses. Want these blogposts in a newsletter? Subscribe here, and get a free gift. Cindy Cisnerosis a Creativity Coach, Creative Therapist and Professional Artist in Sykesville, Maryland. She is an expert straddling the realms of arts, creativity research, psychology, therapy, and coaching. She provides Online Creativity Counseling in Maryland and Virginia, and Online Creativity Coaching throughout the USA, Canada and the UK tailored for the discerning, imaginative, artistic, and neurodiverse. The information provided in this blog is from my own clinical experiences and training. It is intended to supplement your clinical care. Never make major life changes before consulting with your treatment team. If you are unsure of your safety or wellbeing, do not hesitate to get help immediately.
February 2025